Service Numbers

Main Line: 800-676-0423
Customer Service: 800-890-3712
Compliance Hotline: 800-783-0914
Substance Use Treatment Access: 800-781-0353

Veteran Navigator: 269-488-6853

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Southwest Michigan Behavioral Health Board

SWMBH is organized around an independent Board of Directors with one primary representative and one alternate representative from each of the eight county’s Community Mental Health Board Members.  Their responsibility is to administer the Governance Policies and direct the Executive Officer who organizes and oversees all operations.

A second Board, the Substance Use Disorder Oversight Policy Board (SUD OPB), oversees, advises and makes recommendations regarding SWMBH’s budgets for substance use disorder treatment or prevention using Public Act (PA 2) Funds, and advises and makes recommendations regarding contracts with substance use disorder treatment or prevention providers. The SWMBH SUDOPB members are appointed by one of the County Commissions in each of the eight Counties in the SWMBH SUDOPB region. The SUD OPB and the Board of Directors work independently to achieve optimal efficiency and to maximize our impact in the areas that we serve.

Board of Directors

Sherii Sherban
Board Chair
Calhoun County

Applying his Master degree in Clinical Psychology, School Psychology, Master Degree in Clinical and Macro Social Work, as well as his National Certification for School Psychology, Tom advocates for children, adolescents and adults with mental health needs and substance use disorders. Tom is a retired school psychologist. He has served as a Community Mental Health Board member for the past twenty-five years and is currently Chairman of the Board at Pines Behavioral Health.

Tom Schmelzer
Branch County

Carol Naccarato, MFA, BFA, BSN, AASN, RN, CMA (AAMA)

Title – Director of Allied Health/Medical Assisting Glen Oaks Community College

• Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Spring Arbor University, Spring Arbor, Michigan

• Associate of Applied Science in Nursing (Registered Nurse), Glen Oaks Community College, Centreville, Michigan

• Practical Nursing Certificate (LPN), Glen Oaks Community College, Centreville, Michigan

• Medical Assistant Certificate, (CMA, AAMA), Glen Oaks Community College, Centreville, Michigan

• Master of Fine Arts, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana

• Bachelor of Fine Arts, Siena Heights College, Adrian, Michigan

Professional History:
GLEN OAKS COMMUNITY COLLEGE, Centreville, Michigan 2015
Director, Allied Health/Medical Assisting & Full-Time Instructor 2015 – Present

Registered Nurse, Med Clinic 2011 – 2015

RN Supervisor PRN 2010 - 2011

GLEN OAKS COMMUNITY COLLEGE, Centreville, Michigan 2009
Part-Time Instructor Allied Health and Medical Assistant Program 2009 - 2015

FAMILY DOCTORS OF VICKSBURG, Vicksburg, Michigan 2006
Registered Nurse 2010 - Present
Licensed Practical Nurse 2009 - Present
Certified Medical Assistant 2006 – Present

STURGIS AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, Sturgis, Michigan 2005 – 2006
Executive Assistant 2005 - 2006

Manager, Customer Service 2002 - 2005
Supervisor, Customer Service 1998 - 2002
Training Facilitator, Customer Service 1995 - 1998
Assistant Supervisor, Customer Service 1993 - 1995
Administrative Assistant 1991 - 1993
Customer Service Representative 1990 - 1991

LOURDES COLLEGE, Sylvania, Ohio 1983
Chairman, Department of Art 1988 - 1990
Instructor, Department of Art 1983 - 1990
Director and Founder, Gallery Loft Art Gallery 1988 - 1990
Program Director, Visiting Artist Outreach 1988 - 1990

Chairman and Instructor, Department of Art 1979 - 1983

I have a deep and abiding empathy from anyone that is diagnosed with any of the psychological diagnoses. I am willing to do my part to help dispel and eliminate the stigma that comes with these illnesses. I want to support our local CMH, their employees and the individuals that are served by it.

Carol Naccarato
St. Joseph County

B.A. in business from Spring Arbor University 2003; A.A. from Kellogg Community College; WMU Alum.
Worked for the USPS for 25 years; Postmaster of Tekonsha, Michigan 11 years; State Editor for Postmaster Organization; Postal Employee trainer & developed training materials & spreadsheets.
Having family members with mental health issues led to a desire to learn how to be helpful.
Desire to serve my community to ensure good practices. Always willing to learn something new in the process.

Lorraine Lindsey
Board Member
Barry County
Bob Becker
Board Alternate
Barry County

Serving as the Chair of the SWMBH Board, Edward is passionate about giving back to the community and serving where needed. He is interested in Community Mental Health and compassionate about the consumers served. He has an extensive history working on numerous boards including the St. Joseph Charter Township Board of Trustees, Berrien County Community Mental Health Board, and St. Joseph Public Schools Board. He attended Michigan State University as well as Western Michigan University.

Ed Meny
Board Member
Berrien County

• Educational Background:

Bachelors Degree in Business Administration
Masters Degree in Healthcare Administration

• Professional History:
Burroughs Corporation – Computer Sales – 2 years
Comprehensive Mental Health Board – CFO – 3 years
A Center of Racine – Assistant Administrator – 4 years
Riverwood Center – CEO – 35 years

• Interest in serving:
Knowledge of the mental health field and long history of working with community
Boards can be used to benefit my community.

Allen Edlefson
Board Alternate
Berrien County

Educated in criminal justice and employed within the Michigan Department of Corrections system for nearly 30 years, Jon continues to serve his community believing that in order to have a strong healthy society, quality mental health services have to be available. Elected as a County Commissioner for multiple terms, Jon’s keen awareness is a valuable asset to the Branch County Pines Behavioral Health Services and Southwest Michigan Behavioral Health Boards.

Jon Houtz
Board Alternate
Branch County
Kathy-Sue Vette
Board Alternate
Calhoun County
Joyce Locke
Board Member
Cass County
Sheila Witous
Board Alternate
Cass County
Michael Seals
Board Member
Kalamazoo County
Karen Longanecker
Board Alternate
Kalamazoo County
Cathi Abbs
Board Alternate
St. Joseph County

Graduated from Decatur High School.
Worked within the Van Buren County Government for 33 years serving as a Legal Secretary for the Prosecutor's Office for 21 years and a County Clerk for 12 years. Currently serving my second term as County Commissioner.
Van Buren Community Mental Health once played and important role during a very vulnerable time in my life. Serving on the SWMBH Board is a way to give back and be a part of a community of professionals dedicated to helping and improving the quality of life for so many.

Tina Leary
Board Member
Van Buren County
Gail Patterson-Gladney
Board Alternate
Van Buren County
For the SWMBH Main Line, call
For the SWMBH Compliance Hotline, call
For SWMBH Customer Service, call
For SWMBH Substance Use Treatment Access, call
For SWMBH Veteran Navigator